An Introduction to Shipping & Bunkering
Monday 19 May 2025 | Full-day Course
This one-day course provides a comprehensive overview of shipping, from the types and sizes of ships sailing the world, their cargo, trade routes and the ports they visit. It looks at ships’ crew and the jobs they do, as well as technical, operational, and financial issues, including navigation and propulsion, safety and pollution, regulation, and control, earning money, and class and insurance. It also delves into the commercial, technical, and operational side of bunkering to simplify the often complex process of refuelling sea-going vessels. This course will also explain the jargon used in shipping and bunkering.
Delegate Rate: £445
The price of this event includes lunch, refreshments and course materials.
Course Outline
8:25 - The Ships
9:00 - The People
9:40 - Coffee Break
10:00 - Navigation and Propulsion
10:35 - Regulation and Control
11:00 - Earning Money
11:25 - Ports
11:35 - Safety and Pollution
12:00 - Class and Insurance
12:25 - Lunch Break
13:00 - Introduction to the Bunker Industry
14:00 - Commercial Introduction
15:00 - Coffee Break
15:10 - Technical Introduction
16:10 - Basic Operations - Part 1